Thursday, February 18, 2010

Oh My..

Greetings from Seattle! Been visiting family for the past week. Very exciting, very exhausting. Since we've always lived WAY far away from family, whenever we're in town our time is completely absorbed with seeing people we don't know. Awkward. The plus side is that it's wonderfully warm compared to the weather in Boston! I love it! And for the first time I've really gotten to visit the city. It's strange that I lived in WA for 2 years and never really got to know how great Seattle is! My favorite in the US so far. Pictures and such to be posted when I get home.

On a different note I'm so excited to be here during the OLYMPICS!!!!! I have always loved watching them and generally do so religiously. Fortunately our trips tend to coincide with the Olympics so we can watch in our hotel room because we don't have cable at home. The only down side is the coverage on NBC. Fuck you NBC! It's absolute shite! I can't believe how terrible it is. So skewed to AMERICAN dominance and no continuous live coverage. It's especially torturous being so close to Canada, which has much better coverage, and I have no access to it.

Tonight I'm especially excited for the men's figure skating. I was a competitive figure skater for 8 years and I love the sport! It's so weird to see Evgeni Plushenko again since he was in his hay day years ago when I was still skating. I just wish the commentators would strangle themselves. Scott isn't so bad but that other ________ needs to die. Ergh! And on CTV Sale and Peltier are the commentators. Why couldn't they get someone of their caliber?! Bah! Well at least now I can go online later and find videos so I don't have to deal with NBC any longer.

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