Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Current Read: Angela's Ashes

Wanting to feel a bit less like an idiot I grabbed the first book from my need to read pile which just happened to be Angela's Ashes by Frank McCourt. It's a good book and was surprisingly straight forward for an autobiography which often times I find to be disjointed and rambling. Another plus is that it's not heart wrenchingly depressing like I feared it would be. Mr. McCourt writes with great humor even though the circumstances he's discussing are quite dire. Haha! Already I'm starting to pick up on some of the word usage. I truly don't mean to but when I'm reading books I tend to absorb the language and start using it for short amounts of time. It often means that people haven't the vaguest idea of what I'm trying to say which can get really, really annoying. Good thing it's temporary or I'd always sound like the worst sort of poser.

If you have read Angela's Ashes you should check out Bread Givers by Anzia Yezierska which is a very similar sort of story. It's about a family of polish immigrants growing up in the slums of New York.

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